I have created a LUIS application on the portal, with several intents, trained and published.
When I make a GET request to the end-point I receive something like this:
"query": "what is the weather",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "Weather",
"score": 0.972772241
"entities": []
On the face of it LUIS is only able to return me the best matching intent from my query.
Is there anyway achieving required slot filling, within the portal so that I could have an utterance like "What is the weather in City" and the response would come back with something suggesting there is a match but certain data is missing (the desired city to check) so I could inform the user what else they must provide before I generate an answer.
I intend on using LUIS in a class library which will return dialog for use with a telephony solution, if this helps. So no chat bot.