As an exercice on defining general recursive functions in Coq, I'm trying to implement a list merge function using an ad-hoc predicate, the so-called Bove-Capretta method.
For this, I'm following the pattern in the example for the log2
function on Chapter 15 of Bertot and Castéran. First, I have defined a domain predicate for
merge as follows:
Inductive merge_acc : list nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| Merge1 : forall xs, merge_acc xs nil
| Merge2 : forall ys, merge_acc nil ys
| Merge3 : forall x y xs ys,
x <= y -> merge_acc xs (y :: ys) -> merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
| Merge4 : forall x y xs ys,
x > y -> merge_acc (x :: xs) ys -> merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys).
Next, I defined the relevant inversion lemmas for the recursive calls of merge
Ltac inv H := inversion H ; subst ; clear H.
Lemma merge_acc_inv3
: forall xs ys x y,
merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys) ->
x <= y ->
merge_acc xs (y :: ys).
induction xs ; destruct ys ; intros x y H Hle ; inv H ; eauto ; try omega.
Lemma merge_acc_inv4
: forall xs ys x y,
merge_acc (x :: xs) (y :: ys) ->
x > y ->
merge_acc (x :: xs) ys.
induction xs ; destruct ys ; intros x y H Hxy ; inv H ; eauto ; try omega.
After these definitions, I've tried the following implementation of merge
Fixpoint merge_bc
(xs ys : list nat)(H : merge_acc xs ys) {struct H}: list nat :=
match xs, ys with
| nil, ys => ys
| xs , nil => xs
| (x :: xs) , (y :: ys) =>
match le_gt_dec x y with
| left _ h1 => x :: merge_bc (merge_acc_inv3 xs ys x y H h1)
| right _ h2 => y :: merge_bc (x :: xs) ys (merge_acc_inv4 _ _ _ _ H h2)
But, I'm getting a error message that seems related to a lack of type refinement in pattern matching:
The term "H" has type "merge_acc xs ys" while it is expected to have type
"merge_acc (x :: xs0) (y :: ys0)".
Next, I tried to define merge
using the refine
Definition merge_bc : forall xs ys, merge_acc xs ys -> list nat.
refine (fix merge_bc xs ys (H : merge_acc xs ys) {struct H}: list nat :=
match xs as xs' return xs = xs' -> list nat with
| nil => fun _ => ys
| x :: xs => fun _ =>
(match ys as ys' return ys = ys' -> list nat with
| nil => fun _ => x :: xs
| y :: ys => fun _ =>
match le_gt_dec x y with
| left _ Hle => x :: merge_bc xs (y :: ys) _
| right _ Hgt => y :: merge_bc (x :: xs) ys _
end (eq_refl ys))
end (eq_refl xs)).
apply merge_acc_inv3 with (x := x).
exact H. exact Hle.
apply merge_acc_inv4 with (y := y).
exact H.
exact Hgt.
And Coq returns the following error message:
Recursive call to merge_bc has principal argument equal to
(fun xs1 : list nat => merge_acc xs1 ys -> merge_acc xs0 (y :: ys0))
(fun H : merge_acc (x :: xs0) ys => ...
which I had simplified a bit. It seems that the recursion isn't been done on a
structurally smaller subterm of merge_acc xs ys
My question is, what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?
The complete working example is at the following gist.
EDIT: Fixing the spelling of Castéran.