I have a series of sequential Parse network calls that are all dependent on each other to save the final object all wrapped by an Observable so I can deal with everything as one call in my presenter.
If the user decides to change fragments, or leave the app or whatever, this network call is important enough that I'd like it to attempt to complete.
If I call disposables.dispose() the observable will throw an error (which I can catch) on the next .save method in the Observable and the network call does not finish.
If I don't dispose of it, the network call finishes, but it will call my onComplete and throw an error since the view is gone. I can stop that error from happening, but then I'm worried that I've created a memory leak.
I don't care if the oncomplete/onerror get called if the user gets into this situation but I would like to ensure it completes one way or another.
Is there any way to let the call complete, but not cause a memory leak by not disposing it?
fun doParseNetworkCall(){
return Observable.create<Boolean> { emitter ->
createParseObject2.add(key, createParseObject1)
createParseObject3.add(key, createParseObject2)
fun doNetworkCall(){
onError = { error ->
//do something
onComplete = {
//do something
got called, you don't need to dispose in this case – y.allam