I am trying to chain two network calls in my Android app. I am using Retrofit. Basically I want to do :
- Make API Call to login
- Wait for the response of login, save the token to SharedPrefs
- Make another API call right after I've saved the token
- Wait for the response, save the data
I think I have chained the stream in the right way, the only thing is I want to update the UI in between. For example once the call starts I want to display a progressDialog ( I do that in doOnSubscribe ), or dismiss the Dialog once the call has completed ( I do that in doOnComplete ). However I get the exception Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. I subscribe on the io thread and observe on the mainThread so that I can make the changes to the UI, however I must be missing something.
I tried adding .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
lower in the stream, but I still get the same error message.
getView().onLoginAction().subscribe(aVoid -> Observable.combineLatest(
.subscribe(usernamePasswordPair -> {
User user = User.create(usernamePasswordPair.first, usernamePasswordPair.second, "");
RetrofitClientInstance.createService(AuthenticationNetworkApi.class).login(new Login(user.username(), user.password()))
.doOnNext(loginResponse -> {
AuthorizationResponse responseBody = loginResponse.body();
if (responseBody != null && responseBody.getAccessToken() != null && !responseBody.getAccessToken().isEmpty()) {
if (localStorage.getAccessToken().isEmpty()) {
doOnSubscribe( action -> getView().showProgressDialog())
.doOnError(error -> {
getView().showErrorMessage("Login Unsuccessful");
}).doOnComplete(() -> getView().dismissProgressDialog()
.flatMap(response -> RetrofitClientInstance.createService(ActivitiesApi.class).getUserActivities())
.doOnNext(activities -> {
for (UserActivityApiModel useractivity : activities
) {
activityService.addActivity(Activity.create(Integer.parseInt(useractivity.getId()), useractivity.getActivityName(), useractivity.getDate(),
Integer.parseInt(useractivity.getValue()), Integer.parseInt(useractivity.getSubCategory().getId())));
}).doOnError(error -> getView().showErrorMessage(error.getMessage()))
.doOnComplete(() -> getView().redirectToHomeScreen())
The error occurs here :
.doOnError(error -> {
getView().showErrorMessage("Login Unsuccessful");