I need to do a predicate, select(ListOfLists, X)
that returns as a solution every different number in a list of lists, starting with the numbers that are alone in a list, for example:
Would return:
X = 4 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 1
Order doesn't matter as long as the numbers that are alone in the list are shown first.
To do this, first I coded 2 other predicates, which are:
%OrderedList is Lists ordered by size.
orderListsBySize(Lists, OrderedLists).
Example: orderListsBySize([[1,2],[6],[3,4,5]], L).
->L = [[6], [1,2], [3,4,5]]
%ListsWithoutX is Lists without the X elements
removeFromLists(X, Lists, ListsWithoutX).
Example: removeFromLists(1,[[1,2],[3],[4,1,5]],L).
-> L = [[2],[3],[4,5]]
Both predicates work.
Then, to do the select(ListOfLists, X)
predicate, I tried the following:
select([[X|[]]|_], X). select(L1,S) :-
orderListsBySize(L1, [[X|XS]|LS]),
length(XS, A),
A == 0,
select([[X|[]]|M], S),
removeFromLists(X, [XS|LS], M).
select([[X|_]|_], X).
But it doesn't work.
It's not a hard exercise to do in other languages, the problem is that it's still hard for me to understand how prolog works. I appreaciate any help, thanks!
is exactly the same as[X]
. – lurker