I have an apex batch class which I need to update a contact boolean field 'Active_Subscriptions__c' based on the state of a related custom object field.
The custom object 'Subscriptions__c' has a 'Contact__c' master detail field, and also has a 'IsActive__c' boolean field.
I want to run a batch that will find any subscriptions that are related to a contact record by Id. If it finds any subscriptions that are active, it needs to set the 'Active_Subscriptions__c' on the contact record to true, else set to false.
I am fairly new to apex and can't seem to get this to trigger the results I need, thanks in advance.
global class BatchContactUpdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
List <Subscription__c> mapSubs = new List <Subscription__c> ();
List <Contact> contactlist = new List <Contact> ();
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
return DataBase.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Contact__c FROM Subscription__c WHERE Contact__c =:contactlist]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC , List <Subscription__c> mapSubs) {
for (Subscription__c sub : mapSubs){
for (Contact con : contactList){
if (con.Id == sub.Contact__c && sub.IsActive__c == true){
contactlist.add(new Contact(
Active_Subscriptions__c = true
} else {
contactlist.add(new Contact(
Active_Subscriptions__c = false
update contactlist;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){