I am new to Apex and I’m struggling with creating a class to help me with some data analysis. I have data from a 3rd party (transactions__C) that has a field (fin_acct_txt__c) that is the pointer to another object (fin_accounts__C). I want to updated transactions__c with the id from fin_accounts__C into the lookup field transactions__c.fin_acct__c. I want to do this in a class versus a trigger as there would be thousands of records loaded from the 3rd party on a monthly basis. I think doing this in bulk would be more efficient. My thought is I create a list for transactions__c and a map for fin_accounts__c. Using the fin_acct_txt__c=fin_accounts__c.name I would be able to get the fin_accounts__c.id and update the transactions__c.fin_acct__c with that data. But being new to Apex seems to be causing me some problems that I’m unsure how to resolve. Here’s a copy of what I’ve done to date:
public class updateTxnFinAcctID {
// Build map of financial accts since that is unique
map<string ,fin_acct__c> finAccts = new map<string, fin_acct__c>
([select id,name from fin_acct__c where name!=null]);
//Iterate through the map to find the id to update the transactions
for(fin_acct__c finAcct: finAccts.values())
if (finAcct.name != Null)
finAccts.put(finAcct.name, finAcct);
// Find all records in transaction__c where fin_acct__c is null
//and the pointer is the name in the map
list<Transaction__c> txns =[
select id,fin_acct_txt__c from Transaction__c where fin_acct__c = null
and fin_acct_txt__c=:finaccts[0].name];
//create the list that will be used to update the transaction__c
list <Transaction__c> txnUpdate = new list <Transaction__c>();
//Find the id from fin_acct__c where name = fin_acct_txt__c
for (Transaction__c txn: txns){
finacct[0].Id =txn.fin_acct__c;
//3. Update transaction with ID
// if (txnUpdate.size()>0 { update txnUpdate};
I seem to be in a doom loop. The error I get is “Expression must be a list type: Map” pointing to the list txns = [ …]. But as that is not unique, it must be list. But I would believe I’ve got something structurally wrong here and that is a symptom of a larger issue.