
I'm using Vuex to handle my application state.

I need to make an Ajax Get request to a rest api and then show some objects list.

I'm dispatching an action that loads this data from the server but then I don't know how to handle it on the component.

Now I have this:

      this.$store.dispatch("fetch").then(() => {
        this.objs = this.$store.state.objs;

But I don't think that the assignment of the incoming data to the local property is the correct way to handle store data.

Is there a way to handle this better? Maybe using mapState?



1 Answers


There are many ways you can do it, you must experiment and find the one that fits your approach by yourself. This is what I suggest

{ // the store
  state: {
    something: ''
  mutations: {
    setSomething (state, something) {
      // example of modifying before storing
      state.something = String(something)
    actions: {
      fetchSomething (store) {
        return fetch('/api/something')
          .then(data => {
            store.commit('setSomething', data.something)
            return store.state.something

{ // your component
  created () {
    .then(something => {
      this.something = something
    .catch(error => {
       // you got an error!

For better explanations: https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/actions.html

Now, if you're handling the error in the action itself, you can simply call the action and use a computed property referencing the value in the store

  computed: {
    something () { // gets updated automatically
      return this.$store.state.something
  created () {