I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:
1 Program Year Cycle Date Panel Mtg Rep
2 AAA 2019 1 5/21 ABA Tom
3 AAA 2019 1 5/23 ABB Erin
5 BBB 2019 2 6/4 BAB Jim
7 CCC 2019 3 7/16 CAB Tom
8 CCC 2019 4 8/27 CBB Kate
What I'm trying to have it do is, every time a row is skipped, that blank row will automatically be populated with the column headings. So in the example table above, rows 4 and 6 would contain the column headings, while row 9 would remain blank until information was entered on row 10. I've done every possible search I can think of, and haven't found anything that seems applicable. I'm not very familiar with VBA, so I came up with the following series of formulas:
A3) =IF(AND($A2<>"",$A4<>"",$A2<>$A$1),$A$1,"")
B3) =IF(A3=A$1,B$1,"")
C3) =IF(B3=B$1,C$1,"")
D3) =IF(C3=C$1,D$1,"")
E3) =IF(D3=D$1,E$1,"")
F3) =IF(E3=E$1,F$1,"")
These formulas are then extended to the rest of the sheet. This does what I want it to do, but it also fills 8,000+ cells with formulas, including circular references. Which, aside from having to deal with being alerted to the circular references, they also affect other aspects of my sheet, such as conditional formatting, identifying duplicate entries, etc.
As I stated, I'm not really very familiar with VBA, so I don't even know if this is doable using VBA. But if there is some way to achieve the same result without formulas, or at least without circular references, that is what I'm looking for. Thanks so much for any assistance.