
I want to auto delete all VBA modules present in personal workbook, I am trying below code but this is showing an error 9 saying "subscript out of range " Please help me to solve this error

Sub deletemodule()
    Dim vbCom As Object
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 2 To 10
        On Error GoTo abc
        Set vbCom = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
        vbCom.Remove vbComponent:=vbCom.Item("Module" & i)
End Sub

Thanks in advance

On the Set, or the .Remove line?Luuklag
Are you running an international version of Excel? The module default names differ in different versions. Verify that your modules have names following the ModuleX syntax.Sam
This might be helpfull? linkJvdV

2 Answers


Try to revert loop:

For i = 10 To 2 step -1
On Error GoTo abc
Set vbCom = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
vbCom.Remove vbComponent:=vbCom.Item("Module" & i)

This code removes all Standard & Class modules from the workbook.
Note sure what other types there will be - Chart sheets, forms, macro sheets(?)

Modules are a collection so you can step through them using a For...Each loop rather than needing to know how many or what they're called beforehand.

Public Sub DeleteAllModules()

    Dim vbcom As Object
    Dim vMod As Object

    Set vbcom = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents

    For Each vMod In vbcom
        Select Case vMod.Type
            Case 1, 2 'Standard & Class modules
                vbcom.Remove vMod
            Case 100 'Sheet & ThisWorkbook modules
                'Do nothing
        End Select
    Next vMod

End Sub