Keep getting 'Subscript out of range' when trying to run my VBA macro. The macros aim is to activate the workbook2, and import into workbook1. This was originally working when the macro was saved as a personal macro workbook, but as I am wanting workbook1 to be shared with others I changed to a ThisWorkbook macro.
I have tried debugging by showing the workbook.Name before and after the error is displayed so have found exactly the line that it is crashing on. (Windows(WBN.Name).Activate)
The MsgBox
also displays the correct filename so believe there isn't any errors with the name being wrong.
The file extension is also correct.
Have also tried using Workbooks().Activate
Dim MainWorkbook As String
Dim WBN As Object
MainWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Personal = "PERSONAL.XLSB"
For Each WBN In Application.Workbooks()
If WBN.Name <> MainWorkbook Then
If WBN.Name <> Personal Then
MsgBox WBN.Name
Sheets("Data Entry").Copy_
End If
End If
Expected result is workbook2 is imported into workbook1. Instead I'm receiving Subscript out of range.
to avoid confusion withApplication.ThisWorkbook
is theWorkbook
you want to be working with. Normally you don't need toActivate
. – BigBenWBN
:WBN.Sheets("Data Entry").Copy...
– BigBen