When spawning a Prefab, I'm trying to have each individual GameObject that makes up the Prefab run its own respective scripts. Basically, I want the Prefab to break after spawning; leaving individual game Objects.
I have the GameObjects in the Prefab as children of an Empty. Any suggestions.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CreateFab : MonoBehaviour
public Transform Spawnpoint;
public Rigidbody Prefab;
public void OnClick()
Rigidbody RigidPrefab;
RigidPrefab = Instantiate(Prefab, Spawnpoint.position, Spawnpoint.rotation) as Rigidbody;
public void DetachFromParent()
// Detaches the transform from its parent.
transform.parent = null;
Cube Script
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
public class WallClick : MonoBehaviour
string path;
public MeshRenderer mRenderer;
public void OpenExplorer()
path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Overwrite with png", "", "png");
void GetImage()
if (path != null)
void UpdateImage()
byte[] imgByte = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(2, 2);
mRenderer.material.mainTexture = texture;