I'm working with Nuxt.js and I'm developing an Uploader component, I relied on vue-upload-component full example and basically I removed the Edit functionality and implement Vuex for state management, so:
in data()
files: this.$store.state.files.files,
in template
... others ...
in methods
inputUpdate(files) {
this.$store.dispatch("files/setFiles", files)
to update the state every time a file is added.
I've a files.js store module whit mutations, actions and getters that worked and when a user select files, the store is updated correctly.
export const state = () => ({
files: []
I'm trying to add a custom edit functionality: 1) when a user select a file with proper edit button, 2) I would show some html inputs that allow user to modify some fields of the selected file
<a :class="{'dropdown-item': true}" href="#" @click.prevent="onEdit(data.item)">Edit</a>
// file.id
I would like to understand which is the best way to select from the store the element corresponding to the one selected by the user (comparing the id). I thought to take advantage of v-for and then lean on v-show to show only what the user selected, but my current implementation not work.
v-for="(file, id) in files"