I've been tasked with writing tests for a chat app developed with Angular. Below is the snippet of Angular template code I'm currently writing tests for:
<div class="title-menu-container" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
<button id="save-title-button" mat-icon-button *ngIf="titleInputEdit; else settings">
<mat-icon class="secondary-text" (click)="saveTitle(titleInput.value)">check</mat-icon>
<ng-template #settings>
<button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu" [disabled]="!(isGroupConversation$ | async)">
<mat-icon class="secondary-text">settings</mat-icon>
Essentially, if the component boolean variable 'titleInputEdit' is true, the save-title-button is displayed, otherwise the settings button is displayed. Here is the test case that is causing problems:
it('save title button should be present', () => {
component.titleInputEdit = true;
I simply "mock" the component variable, call .detectChanges(), and then test for the presence of the button. However, the test fails with 'Expected null not to be null.'
Through various console.log calls, I have confirmed that the component.titleInputEdit is correctly set to true but the fixture.nativeElement DOES NOT contain the correct button.
Some things I have noticed:
If I move the 'component.titleInputEdit = true' line into my beforeEach and remove it, and the detectChanges() call, from my test, the test passes.
beforeEach(() => { fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent); component = fixture.componentInstance; component.titleInputEdit = true fixture.detectChanges(); debugElement = fixture.debugElement; }); it('save title button should be present', () => { expect(fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('#save-title-button')).not.toBe(null); });
If I remove the .detectChanges() call from beforeEach(), and leave it in the test case, the test passes.
I'm relatively new to Angular, but I've found instances of people with a similar issue. After trying some of the things recommended in those posts I'm still left scratching my head. What's even stranger is that I have written tests for other Angular components that do almost the exact same thing with no issue.
The example provided in the Angular docs show something very similar as well:
it('should display a different test title', () => {
component.title = 'Test Title';
expect(h1.textContent).toContain('Test Title');