I'm trying to perform a 2d Fourier transform of some real data. I'm using the FFTW library to do this as it's significantly faster than Armadillo's library.
Given a simple (4x4) start matrix: AAA:
0 0 0 0
0 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
0 2.0000 4.0000 6.0000
0 3.0000 6.0000 9.0000
If I use the built in FFT in armadillo, the output looks as follows:
(+3.600e+01,+0.000e+00) (-1.200e+01,+1.200e+01) (-1.200e+01,+0.000e+00) (-1.200e+01,-1.200e+01)
(-1.200e+01,+1.200e+01) (+0.000e+00,-8.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,-4.000e+00) (+8.000e+00,+0.000e+00)
(-1.200e+01,+0.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,-4.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,+0.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,+4.000e+00)
(-1.200e+01,-1.200e+01) (+8.000e+00,+0.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,+4.000e+00) (+0.000e+00,+8.000e+00)
But if I use FFTW I get:
(+3.600e+01,+0.000e+00) (+0.000e+00,-8.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,+0.000e+00) (0,0)
(-1.200e+01,+1.200e+01) (+4.000e+00,-4.000e+00) (-1.200e+01,-1.200e+01) (0,0)
(-1.200e+01,+0.000e+00) (-1.200e+01,+0.000e+00) (+8.000e+00,+0.000e+00) (0,0)
(-1.200e+01,+1.200e+01) (+4.000e+00,-4.000e+00) (+4.000e+00,+4.000e+00) (0,0
Performing the respective IFFT on both matrix BBB and CCC give exactly the starting matrix AAA.
According to the documentation: ( http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/One_002dDimensional-DFTs-of-Real-Data.html#One_002dDimensional-DFTs-of-Real-Data ) : “In many practical applications, the input data in[i] are purely real numbers, in which case the DFT output satisfies the “Hermitian” redundancy: out[i] is the conjugate of out[n-i]. It is possible to take advantage of these circumstances in order to achieve roughly a factor of two improvement in both speed and memory usage.”
Therefore, matrix CCC requires some kind of operation to retrieve the Hermetian redundancy but I'm too mathematically noob to understand what that operation is. Could anyone help me with that?
Also, Armadillo stores data in a col major format and FFTW in a row major format, according to the doc this shouldn't matter as long as you pass the the row/col dimensions in reverse order to the plan function?
Thanks for looking.
Attached is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include "armadillo"
using namespace arma;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
mat AAA=zeros(4,4);
mat IBB=zeros(4,4);
cx_mat BBB(4,4);
for (int xx=0;xx<=3;xx++){
for ( int yy=0;yy<=3;yy++){
AAA(xx,yy)= xx*yy;
cx_mat CCC (4,4);
cx_mat CCCC(4,4);
mat ICC =zeros(4,4);
fftw_plan plan=fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(4, 4,(double(*))&AAA(0,0), (double(*)[2])&CCC(0,0), FFTW_ESTIMATE);
fftw_plan plan2=fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(4, 4,(double(*)[2])&CCCC(0,0), (double(*))&ICC(0,0), FFTW_ESTIMATE);
//Perform Armadillo FFT (Correct output)
//Perform armadillo IFFT
//Perform FFTW- FFT
//Allocate fourier array to another array as imput array is destroyed
//Perform FFTW- IFFT on newly allocated array
//Must re-normalise the array by the number of elements
//myst rescale by the number of elements in the array
return 0;