I'm a newbie in FFT and I was asked to find a way to analyse/process a particular set of data collected by oil drilling rigs. There is a lot of noise in the collected data due to rig movements (up & down with tides and waves for example). I was asked to clean the collected data up with FFT=>filtering=>IFFT.
I use C++ and the FFTW 3.3.3 library.
An example is better than anything else so :
I have a DB with, for example, the mudflow (liters per minutes). The mudflow is collected every 5 seconds, there is a timestamp in the DB for every measure (ex. 1387411235).
So my IN_data for my FFT is a couple of timestamp/mudflow (ex. 1387456630/3955.94, 1387456635/3954.92, etc...)
Displaying theses data really looks like a noisy sound signal and relevant events may be masked by the noise.
Using examples found on the Internet I can manage to perform FFT but my lack of knowledge and understanding is a big problem as I've never worked on signal processing and Fourier Transforms.
I don't really know how to proceed to start with this job, which version of FFTW routine to use (c2c, r2c, etc...), if there is any pre-data-processing and/or post-processing to do. There are a lot of examples and tutorials that I've read on the internet but I'm french (sorry for my mistakes here) and it doesn't always make sense to me especially with OUT_data units, OUT_data type, In and Out data array size, windowing (what is that by the way), to put it in a nutshell I'm lost...
I suppose that my problem would be pretty straightforward for someone used to FFTW but for me it's very complicated right now.
So my questions :
- What FFTW routine to use in both ways (FFT & IFFT) (what kind, type and size, of array for IN_data and OUT_data).
- How to interpret the resulting array (what are the units that FFTW will return).
For now a short sample of what I've done is :
fftw_plan p;
p = (fftw_plan)fftw_plan_dft_1d(size,in,out,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
with "in" and "out" as fftw_complex (the complex element of my In_data array is set to 1 for every data, don't really know why but the tutorial said to do that).
This code is based on an example found on the Internet but my lack of knowledge/understanding is a big drag and I was wondering if there was someone here who could give me explanations/workflow/insights/links on how to pull this out.
I'm in a trial period for my new job and I really want to implement this feature for my boss even if it means asking around for help, I've seen a lot of FFTW skilled posts here...