I´m trying to add a crf layer to my functional model, but get this error, which I can not solve:
ValueError: ('Could not interpret loss function identifier:', )
The CRF Layer comes from the keras contribs package.
from keras_contrib.layers import CRF
inputs = Input(shape=(MAX_LENGTH,))
embedding = Embedding(VOCAB_SIZE +1, EMBEDDING_SIZE, mask_zero= True)(inputs)
left = LSTM(HIDDEN_SIZE, return_sequences=True)(embedding)
right = LSTM(HIDDEN_SIZE, go_backwards=True, return_sequences=True)(embedding)
left_right = concatenate([left, right])
left2 = LSTM(HIDDEN_SIZE, return_sequences=True)(embedding)
right2 = LSTM(HIDDEN_SIZE, go_backwards=True, return_sequences=True)(embedding)
left_right2 = concatenate([left2, right2])
left_right_combi = add([left_right, left_right2])
left_right_combii = TimeDistributed(Dense(NUM_LABELS, activation='softmax'))\
crf = CRF(NUM_LABELS, sparse_target=True)(left_right_combii)
combined_model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=crf)
combined_model.compile(loss=CRF.loss_function, optimizer='adam', metrics=[CRF.accuracy])
If I use the "normal" loss function and metric I get this error:
combined_model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
"ValueError: An operation has
for gradient. Please make sure that all of your ops have a gradient defined (i.e. are differentiable). Common ops without gradient: K.argmax, K.round, K.eval."
Any ideas how I can use the crf layer correctly?
Thank you :)