I am trying to convert my app for the windows store using Desktop App Converter and I am stuck with this command which gives me the same error no matter what I try, can anyone have a clue what am I doing wrong here?
in powershell command line:
$binDirectory = "C:\appIn\appSetup.msi"
$appExecutable = "app.exe"
$packageDirectory = "C:\appOut"
$packageName = "appPackName"
$publisher = "CN=DA7DD138-DCEF-7891-1234-A12C7B024C71"
$appDisplayName = "App Name"
$appDescription = "Literally 1 click app for..."
$packageDisplayName = "Literally 1 click app for..."
$packagePublisherDisplayName = "AppdispName"
$version = ""
cls; DesktopAppConverter -Installer $binDirectory -AppExecutable $appExecutable -Destination $packageDirectory -PackageName $packageName -Publisher $publisher -AppDisplayName $appDisplayName -AppDescription $appDescription -PackageDisplayName $packageDisplayName -PackagePublisherDisplayName $packagePublisherDisplayName -Verbose -Version $version
the error I get is
Inner Exception[0]: System.ArgumentException: DesktopAppConverter : error 'E_MANIFEST_USE_DEFAULT_VALUE_FAILED': Property 'Package.Applications.Application.Id' in AppxManifest.xml could not be set to the default value 'appPackName' given for parameter '-PackageName'. Please visit: 'https://aka.ms/appid' for more info on the Data type requirements for the property, and retry with a valid value or pass in a value for optional parameter ’-AppId’ to override the default VERBOSE: The full error record is saved in the logs at C:\DesktopAppConverter\be4346f6-b6f9-4d6d-8864-97a7834a247f\logs
I have tried all combinations for package name, with values found in the dev center... nothing works; what am I doing wrong here?
thank you