I have a small reader application (.NET4.6.1), which was intended to converted to UWP through Desktop App Converter. The command I use is as follows (.msi):
DesktopAppConverter.exe -Installer C:\install\Setup1.msi -Destination C:\output -PackageName "MyApp" -Publisher "CN=MyPublisher" -Version -Verbose
I also tried the .exe installer:
DesktopAppConverter.exe -Installer C:\install\Setup1.exe -InstallerArguments "/S" -Destination C:\output -PackageName "MyApp" -Publisher "CN=MyPublisher" -Version -Verbose
But every time I got the following three warnings:
Warning Summary: W_EXE_NOT_DISCOVERED The application executable could not be determined from any shortcut. MakeAppx will fail until you fix the Application Executable property in the AppxManifest.xml
W_INSTALL_PATH_NOT_DISCOVERED Converter could not determine your application's install path. Please use the -AppInstallPath parameter to move app binaries outside of VFS.
W_NO_ICONS_EXTRACTED Icon extraction failed. Using placeholder assets instead. Please check more details: 'Exception calling "ExtractAndSaveIcons" with "2" argument(s): "The system cannot find the file specified"'.
The above two installer (.msi and .exe) works well on my computer, and DesktopAppConverter.exe also works (I tried on notepad++ example.). Please give some suggestions. Thanks