I'm trying to complete a proof-of-concept, but I have hit a snag. With Adobe AIR able to support iOS and Android, I wanted to see if I could use the Project Centennial workflow to convert an Adobe AIR .exe installer, into a UWP app for x86 Windows 10.
I have been able to follow the directions for the latest version (0.1.24) and have been able to get the conversion started:
.\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 -Installer '..\AIR2UWP Example\AIR2UWP.exe' -InstallerArguments "-silent" -Destination C:\ -PackageName "MyApp" -Version -MakeAppx -Verbose -Publisher "CN=dougwinnie"
But when I use this, I get the following error:
C:\Users\dougw\Desktop\DesktopAppConverter_new\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 : DesktopAppConverter : error 'E_BAD_INSTALLER_EXIT_CODE': Installer returned '10' when valid exit codes were '0' At line:1 char:1 + .\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 -Installer '..\AIR2UWP Example\AIR2UWP.exe' ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,DesktopAppConverter.ps1
It seems that there is an installer error, but I can't seem to find any references to an AIR installer code 10 to help me troubleshoot further.
Thanks in advance...