
I have a table in SSAS tabular mode that shows how individual pieces of products moved through different sections of a production line:

Product_ID, section_ID, Category_id (product category), time_in (when a product entered the section), time_out (when the product exited the section)

This is how the input table looks like:

enter image description here

I would like to write a measure in DAX that can show me the stock of each section and product category day-by-day as shown below by counting the number of distinct product ids which were in a particular section on that day.

enter image description here

I'm using SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services in Tabular Mode and Excel Pivot Table for representation.

So your image is your desired output? Can you show what the input looks like as well?Alexis Olson
@AlexisOlson I have added the input.Andris

1 Answers


Create a new table that has all of the dates that you want to use for your columns. Here's one possibility:

Dates = CALENDAR(MIN(ProductInOut[time_in]), MAX(ProductInOut[time_out]))

Now create a measure that counts rows in your input table satisfying a condition.

ProductCount = 
    VAR DateColumn = MAX(Dates[Date])
               ProductInOut[time_in] <= DateColumn &&
               ProductInOut[time_out] >= DateColumn)) + 0

Now you should be able to set up a pivot table with Category_id on the rows and Dates[Date] on the columns and ProductCount as the values.

Output Matrix