I'm new with OSGi, my problem is simple, I have a project with 2 clients
Client A -> ref lib http-v1.01, io-v2.04
Client B -> ref lib http-v1.03, io-v2.05
I build Project A as bundle A register MyService, Project B as bundle B register MyService, interface service with same name then build to jar.
In Project C, I load bundle using Felix installBundle, everything work fine but, when I search tut how to call service from bundle, everything example look like
BundleContext context...
ServiceReference ref = context.getServiceReferences(MyService.class.getName());
MyService myService = (MyService)context.getService(ref);
MyService not include in Project C, it belong bundle A and B, how it code work ?? I have add ref jar build from bundle A, B to Project C like normal library ??
What difference between MyService in bundle A and MyService in bundle B.
Question: How project C call exactly MyService in bundle A or B ???
Tks all, sorry for my poor English.