I was using Felix as a embedded application as explained in, How to start and use Apache Felix from code?. What I want to do is dynamically load jar files from my host application via OSGi and invoke methods of implementation classes.
So I have following three maven projects
1) A maven project which has an interface. And the package of this interface is exported. ---> ProjA .
2) A implementation project --> ProjB, another maven project which import ProjA as a maven dependency and implement interface on it with a concrete class. Also in this project I do OSGi import-package for ProjA interface package. Also here I register my implementation on OSGI via activator.
3) Then ProjC which is the hosted application. What I do there is,
HostActivator activator = new HostActivator();
List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
map.put(FelixConstants.SYSTEMBUNDLE_ACTIVATORS_PROP, list);
Felix f = new Felix(map);
Bundle a = f.getBundleContext().installBundle("file:C:/ProjA.jar");
Bundle b = f.getBundleContext().installBundle("file:C:/ProjB.jar"); ); // dirty path ;)
ServiceReference sr = activator.getContext().getAllServiceReferences(MyInterface.class.getName(), "(" + "osgi-device-name" + "=*)")[0];
MyInterface dictionary = (MyInterface) activator.getContext().getService(sr);
Everything works fine until cast. There I can see following error,
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: projB.MyImplementation cannot be cast to projA.MyInterface
at MyHostApplication.MyMainClass.main(MyMainClass.java:70)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
Can anyone help me on this, for me this seems like a bug on felix.