
My goal is to filter from all visitors, to only analyse customers (which are in the customDimension.index =2 and then further filter only specific types of pageviews for the customers.

SELECT customDimensions.value AS CustomerID,
SUM(totals.pageviews) as page_views,
SUM(CASE WHEN hits.type = 'PAGE' AND hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2 = 'important' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS important_pageviews
FROM `xxxxxxxx.ga_sessions_20180415`
WHERE customDimensions.index = 2
GROUP BY CustomerID 

I get the error that (using StandardSQL):

Error: Cannot access field index on a value with type
ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value STRING>> at [5:24]

For Legacy SQL:

Error: Cannot query the cross product of repeated fields customDimensions.index and hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2.


SELECT cd.value AS CustomerID,
SUM(totals.pageviews) as page_views,
SUM(CASE WHEN hits.type = 'PAGE' AND hits.contentGroup.contentGroup2 = 'important' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS important_pageviews
FROM `xxxxxxxx.ga_sessions_20180415`,
UNNEST(customDimensions) AS cd
WHERE cd.index = 2
GROUP BY CustomerID 


Error: Cannot access field type on a value with type ARRAY<STRUCT<hitNumber INT64, time INT64, hour INT64, ...>> at [3:20]

I tried correcting the line 3:20 using UNNEST(hits.type) = 'PAGE' AND UNNEST(hitscontentGroup.contentGroup2) = 'important' which gives Error: Syntax error: Unexpected keyword UNNEST at [3:15]

I guess you are looking for unnest. FROM xxxxxxxx.ga_sessions_20180415, unnset(customDimensions) as cd where cd.index = 2 (also you can unnest in an Subquery to preserver number of rows )dani herrera
@danihp I still get the same error (standard SQL) - Error: Cannot access field value on a value with type ARRAY<STRUCT<index INT64, value STRING>> at [1:25]GRS
@GRS . . . You have an array. You need to extract one or more elements from the array for the query. It would help if we could see what the data looks like.Gordon Linoff

1 Answers


As customDimensions is an array you'll need to unnest this in order to refer to it's contents, see the StandardSQL example below where I unnest UserIDs from Google Analytics data in BigQuery:

SELECT customDimension.value AS UserID
FROM `my.project.data` AS t
  CROSS JOIN UNNEST(t.customdimensions) AS customDimension
  WHERE customDimension.index = 2