I have a logic app that I am trying to automate through an ARM Template.
The logic app requires a connection to Office 365. Below I have the template for the connection generated from the automation pane of the Azure Portal.
When I run the script it fails - there is an authentication issue between the Azure subscription and the Office 365 subscription.
The client has permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/locations/managedApis/join/action' on scope ... however the current tenant 'curr-tenant-guid' is not authorized to access linked subscription 'linked-sub-guid' ...
I wont be able to create this trust to automate the provisioning, but I would like to create the connection as placeholder so that the logic app can be deployed and I can go back to the portal to authorise the connection. Is this possible? Are there any other alternatives?
"comments": "Office 365 user for file monitoring",
"type": "Microsoft.Web/connections",
"name": "MyOffice365User",
"apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
"location": "northeurope",
"scale": null,
"properties": {
"displayName": "[email protected]",
"customParameterValues": {},
"api": {
"id": "[concat('/subscriptions/a6720ff8-f7cb-4bc8-a542-e7868767686/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/northeurope/managedApis/', 'MyOffice365User')]"
"dependsOn": []