I am trying to setup PnP Partner pack on azure following this youtube video. As my trial azure storage subscription has expired, I am trying to use Azure storage of my company, but their Azure account is not connected to an office 365 tenant. So, I created a trial office 365 account and now I am trying to connect office 365 to Azure storage.
These are not under the same account. Can someone help me set this up?
Edit 1 suppose you have Azure Tenant called [email protected]. This account is not coupled to an office 365 tenant. It, however, has a valid storage subscription.
So, I deploy my app in the app service in my Azure tenant. This app has to communicate with SharePoint online. But as this azure tenant does not have an office 365 tenant coupled to it, I thought of creating a trial office 365 tenant, for example: [email protected]. Now, the question is, how can I configure Azure tenant (storage) to communicate with office 365, that is another tenant account?
Edit 2
OK, I have deployed PnP Partner Pack to my company's azure storage account. How does it work. The application is an MVC application. Before I deploy it I have to do the following:
- Create a storage account
- Create a web app in this storage account
- Register the web app in AAD
- Assign the following permissions to the web app: SharePOint, Graph
- Insert the application ID and secret key in the web config of the solution
- Assign URL that needs to access the sharepoint Site collection online inside web.config
- Deploy the solution to Azure Web Application
Once it is deployed then I can open the web application which now has access to SharePoint online.
The problem? As long as the Office 365 and Azure Tenant account are the same there is no problem. But now that I don't have anymore the same account for Azure Tenant and office 365, I cannot access sharepoint from my Azure web application. I don't know how to set up the application registration in Azure AD so that it can access sharepoint in another office 365 tenant.
Eg.: Azure Tenant name "[email protected]" needs to access SharePoint, Graph and AAD in office 365 which has the following tenant account "[email protected]".
How can I set it up so from my web application in Azure Web application "[email protected]") I can access the following SharePoint, Graph and AAD in another office 365 tenant account ("[email protected]")?
Edit 3
Web app that lives in Azure "[email protected]" account needs to access users (AAD), SharePoint and Graph of the other office 365 account, i.e: "[email protected]".
Hope it is clear.