I have an elixir application with 3 umbrella projects. I am creating its binary (release) via distillery.
Running this command creates .tar.gz file in _build/prod/rel/se/releases/0.1.0:
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=qa
And I am able to extract and run the application. To run ecto migration I have added this module for release tasks [by following https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/running-migrations.html ]:
defmodule Se.ReleaseTasks do
@start_apps [
def myapp, do: Application.get_application(__MODULE__)
def repos, do: Application.get_env(myapp(), :ecto_repos, [])
def seed() do
me = myapp()
IO.puts "Loading #{me}.."
# Load the code for myapp, but don't start it
:ok = Application.load(me)
IO.puts "Starting dependencies.."
# Start apps necessary for executing migrations
Enum.each(@start_apps, &Application.ensure_all_started/1)
# Start the Repo(s) for myapp
IO.puts "Starting repos.."
Enum.each(repos(), &(&1.start_link(pool_size: 1)))
# Run migrations
# Run seed script
Enum.each(repos(), &run_seeds_for/1)
# Signal shutdown
IO.puts "Success!"
def migrate, do: Enum.each(repos(), &run_migrations_for/1)
def priv_dir(app), do: "#{:code.priv_dir(app)}"
defp run_migrations_for(repo) do
app = Keyword.get(repo.config, :otp_app)
IO.puts "Running migrations for #{app}"
Ecto.Migrator.run(repo, migrations_path(repo), :up, all: true)
def run_seeds_for(repo) do
# Run the seed script if it exists
seed_script = seeds_path(repo)
if File.exists?(seed_script) do
IO.puts "Running seed script.."
def migrations_path(repo), do: priv_path_for(repo, "migrations")
def seeds_path(repo), do: priv_path_for(repo, "seeds.exs")
def priv_path_for(repo, filename) do
app = Keyword.get(repo.config, :otp_app)
repo_underscore = repo |> Module.split |> List.last |> Macro.underscore
Path.join([priv_dir(app), repo_underscore, filename])
Application is run and compiled with this code located in one of the umbrella project where we require migrations. After compilation and starting server, when I try to run it via:
bin/se_cloud command Elixir.Se.ReleaseTasks seed
I get this error:
Elixir.Se.ReleaseTasks.seed is either not defined or has a non-zero arity
Did anyone else encounter this issue? Or I am mis-configuring something here?