I've set up my Phoenix app so that it connects to two databases. I'm having a little trouble managing my migrations and the various Ecto mix
tasks - specifically, creating new migrations and rolling back migrations.
First off, here's the repo configuration from config/dev.exs
config :phoenix_backend, PhoenixBackend.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
database: "phoenix_backend_dev",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
config :phoenix_backend, PhoenixBackend.SearchRepo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
database: "phoenix_backend_search_dev",
hostname: "localhost",
pool_size: 10
Initially, my app just had one repo, the default Repo
, I added SearchRepo
later on.
When I first set up SearchRepo
, I ran $ mix gen.model
to create a new model in that database. The migration went into priv/repo/migrations
, and then I adjusted the auto-generated module definition to point at my new database - I changed
defmodule PhoenixBackend.Repo.Migrations.CreateUserRole do
defmodule PhoenixBackend.SearchRepo.Migrations.CreateSearch do
When I ran $ mix ecto.migrate
, I got the error
Could not find migrations directory "priv/search_repo/migrations" for repo PhoenixBackend.SearchRepo.
So I created that directory, moved the migration into it, and ran the migration again - perfect it worked!
So this brings me to the problem(s)...
I now have two migration directories in priv
- priv/repo/migrations
and priv/search_repo/migrations
If I run
$ mix ecto.migrate new_migration
, this will create a migration file fornew_migration
in both directories.If I run
$ mix ecto.rollback
, this only rolls back migrations frompriv/repo/migrations
.If I run
$ mix ecto.migrate
, this runs the migrations from both directories.
So what I'd like to know is, how can I standardize this behavior? Is the problem with the commands that I'm running, or is there something in the configuration of the app that I need to change to point at these different directories?
I would love to be able to create migrations and point them to the specific directories, and I'd love to be able to specify which databases migrate and rollback point to. How can I customize this behavior?