
Currently, I have an existed App Service (A) that have been migrated from Mobile Service. And now I want the newly created App service (C) work compatible with old code of (A).

I have deployed all files in wwwroot of (A) to (B) but unfortunately (B) can't access to Database request.service.tables.getTable('User').read.... will return Error: Internal Server Error Does anyone know this issue?
Is able to deploy old code of Mobile Service (or the App Service migrated from Mobile service) to the new App Service?


1 Answers


There are two options for moving from Mobile Services to App Service: migration or upgrade. Either option will give you access to all of the hosting capabilities of App Service:

  • Migrating a service just changes the underlying environment that hosts your mobile backend. It requires no code changes to either the mobile client or the mobile server project. If you use the automated migration option, this preserves your service.azure-mobile.net URL.
  • Upgrading a service does require code changes to both your server and client project but allows you to take advantage of new mobile SDK features, such as improvements to authentication and more flexibility for your server project.

For more details, refer to Migrate your existing Azure Mobile Service to Azure App Service.

Since you have not provided complete error message details, I suggest you Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service in case if you haven’t enabled earlier to check the complete error details.

Hope this helps.