I have an Azure web app that I'm deploying from VSTS. This was working fine previously but is now returning with the following:
2018-08-07T14:24:57.1655319Z Info: Adding directory (dsadminportal-dev\wwwroot\assets\css\plugins\datapicker).
2018-08-07T14:24:58.2654020Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2018-08-07T14:24:58.2665943Z ##[error] Error: (8/7/2018 2:24:57 PM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
Error: An error was encountered when processing operation 'Create Directory' on 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\wwwroot\assets\css\plugins\datapicker'. Error: The error code was 0x800703E6. Error: Invalid access to memory location.
at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.NativeMethods.RaiseIOExceptionFromErrorCode(Win32ErrorCode errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.FileSystemInfoEx.set_Attributes(FileAttributes value) at Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DirPathProviderBase.Add(DeploymentObject source, Boolean whatIf) Error count: 1.
This is to a slot. I deleted the slot and recreated it and it deployed fine first time but subsequent deploys fail with the above error.
Any ideas what this means?
2018-08-20T09:18:17.2950455Z Info: Updating file (App\.vs10x). 2018-08-20T09:18:19.0855891Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service. 2018-08-20T09:18:19.0868022Z ##[error]Error: (8/20/2018 10:18:17 AM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.
– Vinyl Warmth