
I know this question has been asked several times, but none of them are helping me. This functionality was working up until a day ago. Now I am getting this error and do not believe I have changed anything on our servers. But I know something must have changed.

Here is the url my app is trying to redirect to:


When I check this in my FB app settings it says it's a valid callback uri. What could be the issue?

Redirect URI to Check

Check URI https://advocacy-test.hrmarketer.com/advocacyTest/HRmIWeb/web/facebook/auth check This is a valid redirect URI for this application

From Facebook app settings

You got bigger fish to fry first, mate ... fix your app setup, so that your whole app config isn’t exposed! advocacy-test.hrmarketer.com/advocacyTest/HRmIWeb/app/config You exposed all your API keys and secrets for a bunch of different services there, so you should go reset those in the respective app dashboards first of all now.CBroe
Thank you. That was a stupid oversight on our part.edward
Are you getting this error shown instead of the login dialog, or is it an API exception occurring afterwards?CBroe
this provided the solution: stackoverflow.com/questions/42414996/…edward

1 Answers


Step 1: You have to go to your code and add your URL: $redirectUrl = "http://example.com/[auth_link]"; Step 2: Go to your Facebook App Setting and add add the exact URL above.

May be your problem is you missed WWW -> the solution add both WWW and no-WWW versionsto whitelist in Client OAuth Settings

OR you missed parameters after URL: eg: ?back=xxx