Im having a problem with switching a Mifare Plus SE from SL1 to SL3, using acs acr122U with pn532
In SL1 the card is detected as a Mifare Classic (Same ATR) and to perform the switch i need to activate the comunication in 14443-4 and do the auth command with the SL3 switch key. I trying to activate the comunication in 14443-4, but im not finding how.
In other card which its already in SL3 (Also on SL1) the card is activated without problems in 14443-4 and i can send the mifare plus operations without problems.
Im using Smartcardio and transmitcontrolcommand to send the commands to the acr122U trying to use these commands from the PN532 : -inAutoPoll (Which detects the card as 10 (mifare card, not 14443-4 card) -InListPassiveTarget (Actives the card as mifare classic too) -inATR (Which ends with a timeout) I tryed to inRelease and reactivate again, is not working neither.
Thanks for your time