I am trying to read a file, line by line in OCaml. Each line in the file represents a string I want to parse, in the correct format expected by the Parsing tool. I am saving each line in a list structure.
I an finding an issue parsing the string contained in each element of the list. I am using OCamllex and Menhir as parsing tools.
If I try to use
to print the contents of the list at every element, I get the correct file contents.If I try to pass a
that I defined within the program to the function, then I get the desired output.However, if I try to parse the string which I have just read from the file, I get an error:
Fatal error: exception Failure ("lexing empty token")
Note: that all of this has been tested against the same string.
Here is a snippet of the code:
let parse_mon m = Parser.monitor Lexer.token (from_string m)
let parse_and_print (mon: string)=
print_endline (print_monitor (parse_mon mon) 0)
let get_file_contents file =
let m_list = ref [] in
let read_contents = open_in file in
while true; do
m_list := input_line read_contents :: !m_list
done; !m_list
with End_of_file -> close_in read_contents; List.rev !m_list
let rec print_file_contents cont_list = match cont_list with
| [] -> ()
| m::ms -> parse_and_print m
let pt = print_file_contents (get_file_contents filename)
. See my answer. – Pie 'Oh' Pah