Build Job for war file on Jenkins in failing, it giving error message:
FailedConsole Output Started by upstream project "package" build number 4 originally caused by: Started by user harish nair Building in workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/deploy-to-staging Unable to access upstream artifacts area /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/jobs/package/builds/4/archive. Does source project archive artifacts? ERROR: Failed to copy artifacts from package with filter: **/*.war Finished: FAILURE
I am trying to build deploy-to-staging with a build from package job, package job has build successfully but deploy-to-staging is not getting built
Above image i have given properly in build section, but in post-build action section irrespective of adding all the details i am not getting manager user name and manager password.
I have already added manager credentials in conf/tomcat-users.xml also:
Please help with resolving this issue how to get a successful build for my Jenkins job on tomcat.