I am using Angular Reactive Forms FormGroup and FormArray. I am trying to split out my form fields into child components but am having trouble passing the parent form controls to the child which I feel should simple. My parent FormGroup is title 'binsForm' and I am referencing the child component in my template like:
<app-child [parent]="binsForm"></app-child>
And then in the child component I have created an @Input property:
@Input() parent: FormGroup;
And then reference that input in the child template:
<div class="fields-wrap" [formGroup]="parent">
<div class="input-wrap">
<label>Bin ID <span>*</span><input type="text" formControlName="id"></label>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
In the following StackBlitz, you can click on 'edit quality' and you will see in the console the message 'Cannot find control with the name id'
I followed a tutorial for this method but can't figure out why the child component isn't seeing the form group.