I have a big reactive form, and I want to break up the template into child components.
The child component is not pulling through default form data from Parent.
Initially I forgot to bind the child component formGroup attribute to the parent's FormGroup. I fixed this, put the issue persists.
I believe it may have something to do with dealing with nested FormGroups. I changed:
<app-account-settings [formGroup]="settingsForm" [isBusiness]="isBusiness"
<app-account-settings [formGroup]="accountSettings" [isBusiness]="isBusiness"
This did not work.
Parent component:
export class SettingsPage implements OnInit {
public user: any;
public isBusiness: boolean;
public settingsForm: FormGroup
private config: Configuration,
private profileProvider: ProfileProvider,
private authentication: AuthenticationProvider,
private route: ActivatedRoute) {
ngOnInit() {
this.isBusiness = this.authentication.isBusiness()
this.user = this.route.snapshot.data.userProfile;
this.settingsForm = new FormGroup({
accountSettings: new FormGroup({
username: new FormControl(this.user.username),
email: new FormControl(this.user.email),
password: new FormControl(this.user.password)
...more form groups
Parent template:
<form [formGroup]="settingsForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<app-account-settings [formGroup]="settingsForm" [isBusiness]="isBusiness"
Child component:
selector: 'app-account-settings',
templateUrl: './account-settings.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./account-settings.component.scss']
export class AccountSettingsComponent implements OnInit {
@Input('isBusiness') isBusiness: boolean;
@Input('user') user: any;
@Input('id') id: any
constructor(private controlContainer: ControlContainer) { }
ngOnInit() {
console.log('isBusiness', this.isBusiness) // successfully logs value
console.log('user', this.user) // successfully logs value
Child template:
<ng-container formGroup="controlContainer.control">
<div class="row settings-block">
<div class="col-md-12" >
<div class="box title">
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-md-12" >
<div class="box settings">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<input type="text" placeholder="Username" formControlName="username" [value]="user.username">
<div class="col-md-4">
<h1>Email Address</h1>
<input type="email" placeholder="Email Address" formControlName="email" [value]="user.email || ''">
<div class="col-md-4">
<h1>New Password</h1>
<input type="password" placeholder="Enter New Password" formControlName="password" value="">
I expected that the default FormControl values to be passed through to the input elements of the child component. This does not happen.