I am having some trouble using the Fulfillment/Webhook of Dialogflow. I have created an Intent which accepts a parameter as input (pin number). The pin is "validated" at the server end using the Webhook call. That is, "Enable webhook call for this intent" is checked. The method returns a positive message on successful validation.
The whole scenario works perfectly as long as I use the Dialogflow console's "Try it Now" window. But when I try to test it in the Google Assistant Simulator, it responds with:
Screen from Actions on Google page > Response
Screen from Actions on Google page > Validation Errors
Here is the intent:
Intent screen from DialogFlow Agent page
The response I have set to return from the Webhook call:
"messages": [
"speech": "Thanks. Your pin has been confirmed.",
"type": 0
Sample response found here: https://dialogflow.com/docs/fulfillment
Please note, I have already checked Error "Empty speech response". It didn't help.