
I'm trying to bind a native Objective-C SDK to my Xamarin project. I follow this tutoriel : Walkthrough: Binding an iOS Objective-C Library

Everything work till : Using Objective Sharpie. I generated the ApiDefinition and Strucs files but in my ApiDefinition, some class needs protocols.

    // @interface BIOEvent : NSObject <BIODiagnosticEvent>
interface BIOEvent : IBIODiagnosticEvent
    // -(instancetype _Nonnull)initWithType:(BIOEventType)type;
    IntPtr Constructor(BIOEventType type);

For example here, the file doesn't found "IBIODiagnosticEvent". I have the impression that Sharpie didn't bind some headers files. Files which are @protocol

Could you help me please ? Thanks.


1 Answers


Ok, for those who have the same error. Xamarin add "I" convention before the name of the protocol. Just remove it.