I want to bind a native Obj C library into my Xamarin project. I tried follow this documentation :
So I created my .a fat library.
Now I want to bind the ApiDefinition with Objective Sharpie using this:
sharpie bind -scope=Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers -sdk=iphoneos11.2 /Users/xamarinprojects/Documents/CheckoutKit/CheckoutKit/*.h -output=/Users/xamarinprojects/Documents/CheckoutKit/Files -namespace= CheckoutKit
The problem is that I got an ApiDefinition file with 50k lines. In my library, I use Foundation, so I think Objective Sharpie binds all the headers Foundation files. I dont want that.
So I tried to use the sharpie bind -scope to remove file ? (is right ?) but it doesn't work. I still have a 50k lines in my ApiDefinition.
How can I resolve it ?
Thanks for helping