I got this from the JAXB doc for @XmlElement
If required() is true, then Javabean property is mapped to an XML schema element declaration with minOccurs="1". maxOccurs is "1" for a single valued property and "unbounded" for a multivalued property.
However when I say
@XmlElement(name = "Name", required = true, nillable = false)
I get the following in the .xsd
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
I wonder how I can make minOccurs to equal to 1. It seems like required = true
causes minOccurs
to disappear
Edit I realize that the default value is 1. Is there anyway to for minOccurs to show up as 1 in the .xsd
Edit2 I am using JAXBContext.generateSchema to generate the schema (FYI)