We use Jaxb (jaxb-api 2.2.5) to generate a Java class from an XSD. The 'someField' element has a nillable='true' attribute and an (implicit) minoccurs='1'. There is also an optional 'order' attribute.
When we set the order attribute on someField, but no value, JAXB will generate the XML element in the request without nill='true' and this is not accepted by the XSD and results in a SOAP fault.
The XSD for the field:
<xs:element name="someField" nillable="true">
<xs:extension base="iata:AlphaNumericStringLength1to19">
<xs:attribute name="order" type="xs:integer" use="optional"/>
Jaxb translates this to the following field on our Java class:
@XmlElement(required = true, nillable = true)
protected SomeParentType.SomeField someField;
The SomeField class looks like this:
public static class SomeField{
protected String value;
protected BigInteger order;
// getters + setters
When we set the order ATTRIBUTE to 2 (for example), and set nothing for the value, JAXB will generate this:
<pay1:someField order="2"/>
This is not valid according to the XSD and it results in a SOAP fault when we send it.
This does work:
<pay1:someField xsi:nil="true" order="2"/>
Do you know how we can get JAXB be to generate the latter? And is JAXB actually wrong in generating the nil-less version?