
Using this query via Graph Explorer: POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceManagement/managedDevices/{managedDeviceId}/locateDevice I've modified all permissions to the required permissions, in-fact I have allowed all permissions possible. However when I run this I get a "resource not found" error.

I'm learning Graph API with 0 coding background other than some PowerShell knowledge.


1 Answers


According to the error information resource not found, it seems that deviceId is not correct. You could use the Get deviceManagement API to list the vaild deviceId and try it again.

If it is also get the same result. You could have a try to use the beta version locateDevice action API. As I find that locateDevice action API is beta veraion.

Important: APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are in preview and are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported.