The docs at indicate that it should be possible to create an iOS managed app registration with a POST to Any permutations on the documented behavior results in the following response:
"error": {
"code": "No method match route template",
"message": "No OData route exists that match template ~/singleton/navigation with http verb POST for request /MAMAdmin/MAMAdminFEService/deviceAppManagement/managedAppRegistrations.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "9338f5e5-bdb8-49f2-a887-362ddca6da97",
"date": "2018-03-13T01:23:02"
This seems to indicate that there is a missing route for POST - has anyone been successful using this api to create managed app registrations?
I have tried several variations on input, including removing the odata type specifiers as mentioned in other posts here. Below is a sample of a failing request that can be reproduced with graph explorer - note that I get the same error when using real values in an application attempting to integrate with the APIs:
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.iosManagedAppRegistration",
"lastSyncDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:02:49.3205976-08:00",
"applicationVersion": "Application Version value",
"managementSdkVersion": "Management Sdk Version value",
"platformVersion": "Platform Version value",
"deviceType": "Device Type value",
"deviceTag": "Device Tag value",
"deviceName": "Device Name value",
"flaggedReasons": [
"userId": "User Id value",
"appIdentifier": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.iosMobileAppIdentifier",
"bundleId": "Bundle Id value"
"version": "Version value"