Depends how you are executing the create calls.
Externally, e.g. from a console application. Then no it doesn't. The ability to make a transaction call from an external application was introduced in CRM 2015/2016.
Sample: Execute multiple requests in transaction
Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online & on-premises) support batching of
requests into a single web service method call. Each request in the
batch is executed as part of a single database transaction. Failure of
any request to complete successfully causes a rollback of any
completed requests and no further processing is performed on requests
not yet executed.
If you are executing inside of a plugin, then your create calls may be included in a transaction, dependent on the registration of your plugin.
Inclusion in Database Transactions
Plug-ins may or may not execute within the database transaction of the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform. Whether a plug-in is part of the
transaction is dependent on how the message request is processed by
the pipeline. You can check if the plug-in is executing in-transaction
by reading the IsInTransaction property inherited by
IPluginExecutionContext that is passed to the plug-in. If a plug-in is
executing in the database transaction and allows an exception to be
passed back to the platform, the entire transaction will be rolled
back. Stages 20 and 40 are guaranteed to be part of the database
transaction while stage 10 and 50 may be part of the transaction.
Any registered plug-in that executes during the database transaction
and that passes an exception back to the platform cancels the core
operation. This results in a rollback of the core operation. In
addition, any pre-event or post event registered plug-ins that have
not yet executed and any workflow that is triggered by the same event
that the plug-in was registered for will not execute.