I have setup a test Dynamics CRM 2011 server.
I've used the SDK's CrmSvcUtil utility to generate the early bound entity classes (e.g. mycrm.cs).
I've created a new project in Visual Studio and added references to Microsoft.CRM.SDK.Proxy, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, and System.Runtime.Serialization.
I've also added the mycrm.cs file to my project as an existing file.
Now what?
I know, I know...read the SDK. I've tried:
Using the Early Bound Entity Classes in Code
Using the Early Bound Entity Classes for Create, Update, Delete
Create Early Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)
Call me an idiot if you must - I'm sure these articles probably include the info. I need, but I'm not seeing it. Help!