I'm trying to learn Idris and dependently typed programming in general.
What I'm struggling with is the following idea. Suppose I create this types:
data Entry: String -> a -> Type where
E: (name: String) -> (value: a) -> Entry name a
data Rec: List (String, Type) -> Type where
Nil: Rec []
Cons: Entry s a -> Rec ts -> Rec ((s, a) :: ts)
myRec: Rec [("name", String), ("age", Integer)]
myRec = Cons (E "name" "Rafael") (Cons (E "age" 35) Nil)
This is kind of a dictionary, whose fields are identified by a key of type String
and I store the type of the field associated with a given key in this [(String, Type)]
I wanted to write a function that, given a key: String
that I can somehow prove that are in the list, I can retrieve the value stored under that key.
My attempt is this:
data Contains : String -> Type -> List (String, Type) -> Type where
H : Contains s a ((s, a) :: ts)
T : Contains s a xs -> Contains s a (x :: xs)
getFieldType : {a: Type}
-> (f: String)
-> (fs: List (String, Type))
-> (Contains f a fs)
-> Type
getFieldType f ((f, a) :: xs) H = a
getFieldType f (_ :: xs) (T y) = getFieldType f xs y
get : (f: String) -> Rec fs -> getFieldType f fs p
get {p = H} f (Cons (E f value) y) = value
get {p = (T z)} f (Cons _ y) = get {p=z} f y
Now, to my question.
I can easily use this function get
by providing an adequate evidence of type Contains f a fs
*src/test> get {p=H} "name" myRec
"Rafael" : String
*src/test> get {p=T H} "age" myRec
35 : Integer
But it looks like that finding this evidence could be automated. Can it be automated? Because which evidence to use is so obvious for the programmer that it surely looks like the compiler is smart enough to find it. Is that possible?
I'm starting to realize that maybe if the record has two fields with the same name this is going to explode in my face... Maybe the [(String, Type)]
list wasn't the best abstraction to use.