I have a function count in idris, defined as :
count : Eq a => a -> Vect n a -> Nat
count x [] = Z
count x (y::ys) = with (x == y)
| True = S (count x ys)
| False = count x ys
And a proof of the maximum value count can return:
countLTELen : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> LTE (count x l) n
countLTELen x [] = lteRefl
countLteLen x (y::ys) with (x == y)
| True = LTESucc (countLTELen x ys)
| False = lteSuccRight (countLTELen x ys)
which is all well and good. I now want to write a function which removes all of an element from a list, removeAll :
removeAll : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> Vect (n - (count x l)) a
removeAll x [] = []
removeAll x (y::ys) with (x == y)
| True = removeAll x ys
| False = x :: removeAll x ys
But this definition gives an error:
56 | removeAll : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> Vect (n - (count x l)) a
| ^
When checking type of Proof.removeAll:
When checking argument smaller to function Prelude.Nat.-:
Can't find a value of type
LTE (count a n constraint x l) n
How can I use my proof to inform Idris that this type signature is correct?
is not necessary here, I think. 2) I’d use aFin n
for the output ofcount
, but it doesn’t really matter. 3) I don’t have the ability to write out a full answer, but if you replace the two RHSs of thewith
block with holes, you should see that you only need some basic proofs about(-)
. – HTNW