
I am new to Verilog and trying to write a code that will add three 5-bit numbers into a 2's complement output using CSA. So the problem that I facing is that how to initially declare my inputs, where some of them are in the following format:

x is in 2's complement 1.4 format , y is in 2's complement 2.3 format, and z is in unsigned 5.0 format

and here is my 2 modules

module fulladder
        ( input a,b,cin,
            output sum,carry

assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin;
assign carry = (a & b) | (cin & b) | (a & cin);


module Top
    (   input [4:0] x,y,z,
        output [7:0] s,
        output cout

reg  [4:0] x;         //(Q1.4)
reg  [4:0] y;         //(Q2.3)          
wire [4:0] c1,s1,c2;

fulladder fa_inst10(x[0],y[0],z[0],s1[0],c1[0]);
fulladder fa_inst11(x[1],y[1],z[1],s1[1],c1[1]);
fulladder fa_inst12(x[2],y[2],z[2],s1[2],c1[2]);
fulladder fa_inst13(x[3],y[3],z[3],s1[3],c1[3]);
fulladder fa_inst14(x[4],y[4],z[4],s1[4],c1[4]);

fulladder fa_inst20(s1[1],c1[0],1'b0,s[1],c2[1]);
fulladder fa_inst21(s1[2],c1[1],c2[1],s[2],c2[2]);
fulladder fa_inst22(s1[3],c1[2],c2[2],s[3],c2[3]);
fulladder fa_inst22(s1[4],c1[3],c2[3],s[4],c2[4]);
fulladder fa_inst23(1'b0,c1[4],c2[4],s[5],cout); 

assign s[0] = s1[0];


I checked a lot of sources but none of them tells how exactly declare fractions in Verilog. And I also would appreciate if someone explains how to do bits alignment for the output, since my inputs are all in a different format. I calculated that my output should be 7.4 bit long.

i think that you need to make all of them of the same format first, like Q9.0, getting rid of fractions by shifting left, then add them, and then change format back to the appropriate one, i.e. Q9.4Serge
Thank you, Serge, I did almost the same except that output is 7.4ViniLL

1 Answers


You have to manually align the binary points as @serge mentioned.

The largest fraction section is 4. Therefore (z) the pure integer needs 4 factional bits. The unsigned integer needs an extra MSB set to 0 so in twos complement it can be combined with the signed numbers.

// x => 1.4 format (signed)
// y => 2.3 format (signed)
// z => 5.0 format (unsigned)

reg [9:0] x_i, y_i, z_i; // format 6.4 (signed)
x_i = { 5{x[5]}, x      }; // 5 int bits
y_i = { 4{y[5]}, y, 1'b0}; // 4 int bits + 1 frac bit
z_i = { 1'b0,    z, 4'b0}; // 1 int bits (always positive) + 4 frac bits

A general answer on Fixed-point with Verilog is here.