I am struggling now with how to update my fields because it is related to another field. In the time that I change the value of my related fields and save it, it goes back to its original value. Why? Can I update related fields? anyone help. I am new in odoo, many thanks.
here's what I do.
ret_condition_id = fields.Many2one('asset.state', string="Condition",
related='ret_asset_id.asset_condition', store=True)
If I change my ret_condition_id into a new value, after I save it. It goes back to its original value.
is youMany2one
field have a value because related field save the changes but only of the Many2one field is set a value. but you cannot create a new record from related field. only withdelegate = True
. – Charif DZret_asset_id
– Charif DZstore=True
did not work. – Kenly