I'm developing a module in Odoo 10. I've two classes related by One2many-Many2one fields. I've computed fields in both classes and I want to trigger the update when values of some fields of both classes changes.
Code (very simplified)
class A(models.Model):
b_id=fields.One2many('a.b', 'a_id', ondelete='set null')
computed_field_a = fields.Float(compute = 'compute_vals_a', readonly = True, store = True)
trigger_field_a = fields.Float()
def compute_vals_a(self):
class B(models.Model):
a_id=fields.Many2one('a', ondelete='cascade')
compute_field_b = fields.Float(compute = 'compute_vals_b', readonly = True, store = True)
trigger_field_b = fields.Float()
def compute_vals_b(self):
for r in self:
for rr in r.a_id:
r.compute_field_b = r.trigger_field_b * rr.trigger_field_a
What I want is that when one of trigger fields change it updates both computed fields. I'm displaying values in a form with a notebook with different pages to display A fields and B fields separately. I'm using an editable tree view to display B. What have I tried:
By now I've tried only to update fields of B by changing trigger_field_a's value
1-Change value directly from compute_vals function on class A:
def compute_vals(self):
b_vals=self.env['a.b'].search([('a_id', '=', self._origin.id)])
for r in b_vals:
r.compute_field_b = r.trigger_field_b * self.trigger_field_a
It does nothing but when I click on save I get an error: "'a' object has no attribute '_origin'"
2-Calls method from B class inside method in A class:
def compute_vals(self):
for r in self:
for rr in r.a_id:
r.compute_field_b = r.trigger_field_b * rr.trigger_field_a
b_vals=self.env['a.b'].search([('a_id', '=', self._origin.id)])
for r in b_vals:
I check that compute_vals_b is called (i put a _logger.error() inside and it appears in log), but computed_field_b is not updated.
3-Add trigger_field_a to @api.depends decorator of B method:
@api.depends('trigger_field_b', 'a_id.trigger_field_a')
Nothing happens
4-Call write() method from compute_vals_a. It works, but fields are updated only after saving.
5-Make my b_id field a computed field:
b_id=fields.One2many('a.b', 'a_id', ondelete='set null', compute = 'compute_vals_a', readonly = True, store = True)
In this case, when I change trigger_field_a's value records in class B disappear from my tree view, I've checked my DB and it seems that nothing changes, I don't know why them disappear. I've seen that in this case I can't use _origin to get the id and i can get id as always with "self.id"
I've tried lots of things like create a related field from A to B to triggers the method, using super() to call the method from A... But nothing seems to work.